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Washington University Experience | BASIC PROCESSES | Astrocytes & Astrocytosis | Astrocytes, Gray vs White matter, Cajal AuCl | 1A1 Astrocytes, Junction GM-WM (Cerebral Cortex) Cajal AuCl stain

1A1 Astrocytes, Junction GM-WM (Cerebral Cortex) Cajal AuCl stain
One of our rare remaining slides stained with the Cajal gold chloride method is used to demonstrate the junction of gray and white matter in the human cerebral cortex. This and the following slides show differences in gray matter and white matter astrocytes when stained with this classical technique. White matter (fibrous) astrocytes have fewer and more broad processes than the more numerous delicate branching images of gray matter (protoplasmic) astrocytes. Marked with WM and GM to designate white and gray matter, respectively.

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