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Washington University Experience | DEVELOPMENTAL MALFORMATIONS | Meningioangiomatosis | 7A1 Meningioangiomatosis (Case 7) T2 FLAIR 2 copy - Copy

7A1 Meningioangiomatosis (Case 7) T2 FLAIR 2 copy - Copy
Case 7 History (NP23-269) ---- The patient is a 4 year old female with a history of seizures and known left frontal lobe lesion which has been monitored with serial MRI scans. Her most recent MRI earlier this month, showed an increase in the size of the lesion. A surgical option was approved by the patient’s parents. She and her parents are present to review these findings, and to discuss surgical options. Operative procedure: Resection following intraoperative frozen section analysis. ---- 7A1-4 MRI Studies ---- 7A1 A discrete hypointense lesion is seen in this FLAIR scan.

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