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Washington University Experience | INFECTION | Viruses | PML (JC Virus) | PML - Gross Pathology | 10A0 Case 10 History

10A0 Case 10 History
Case 10 History ---- This patient was a 68 year old man with CLL treated with fludarabine and Cytoxan with good effect and lengthy remissions. Eight years after diagnosis he developed anaplastic large cell lymphoma. He underwent 3 rounds of CHOP and Rituxan therapy prior to Autologous Stem Cell Transfer. Three months later he presented with confusion, blurry vision and falls. Brain MRI suggested a white matter process. His CSF revealed a lymphocytic pleocytosis and was positive for JC Virus. The white matter process progressed which was thought more likely to represent PML than lymphoma. He was readmitted with decreased responsiveness, oral intake, and level of consciousness and died shortly thereafter.

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