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Washington University Experience | MISCELLANEOUS | Amyloidoma | 1A0 Case 1 History

1A0 Case 1 History
Case 1 History ---- The patient is a 71 year old man who presented to an outside institution with a two-day history of severe left-sided occipital headache and blurry vision, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Past medical history was significant only for hypertension, GERD and arthritis. CT and MRI imaging show a 4.6 x 4 x 5.2 cm area of complex signal abnormality within the left occipital/ posterior parietal region, with some white matter edema and cortical effacement, but no significant mass effect. All sequences show serpiginous and punctate foci of low signal, suggestive of flow-voids attributable to hypervascularity, but there is no evidence of a large feeding artery or draining vein. Irregular contrast enhancement involves a region of the abnormality. Focal calcification is noted in the left occipital area, near the sagittal sinus. Radiological impression: Suggestive of primary neoplasm.

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