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Washington University Experience | MISCELLANEOUS | Amyloidoma | 6A0 Case 6 History
Case 6 History Amyloidoma (AANP diagnostic slide session 2010, Case 1) ---- At age 45 years a highly intelligent woman began to have subtle personality changes which progressed to various difficulties with language such as anomia, dysphasia and dyslexia. Later, she had difficulty with recent memory. Following surgical removal of a thyroid adenoma she had been taking thyroid replacement drugs daily for eight years. General physical examination was within normal limits. Mental disability was striking. Pertinent laboratory studies revealed a cerebrospinal fluid protein of 95, no cells and non-reactive serology. A brain photoscan demonstrated a 3 x 7 cm abnormal tracer concentration in the left frontal lobe near the midline. Carotid angiograms suggested absence of venous filling in the same region. A diagnosis of a progressive left frontal lobe lesion of undetermined etiology was made since firm evidence for either gliomatous or vascular type of lesion was lacking. She expired three years after the onset of her illness.