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Washington University Experience | MISCELLANEOUS | Gossypiboma, Textiloma & Neurosurgical Foreign Material | 5A0 Case 5 - History
Case 5 History ---- (AANP Diagnostic Slide Session 2015, Case 1) ---- This 54yo right handed woman had a recent near gross-total resection of a right parieto-occipital glioblastoma. The tumor was characterized as IDH1-wild-type, EGFR amplified, MGMT methylated, and positive for mutations in PTEN and TP53. Approximately 1 month following her initial resection, before the initiation of chemoradiation, she presented to an outside hospital ED complaining of worsening cognition, visual-spatial deficits, right-sided headache, nausea, vomiting, and gait difficulties. Imaging showed a large cystic and solid lesion in the right parietal lobe with multiple foci of nodular enhancement associated with 8mm of midline shift. She underwent re-resection for presumed recurrent tumor.