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Washington University Experience | MISCELLANEOUS | Hypophysitis | Hypophysitis - Lymphocytic | 3A0 Case 3 History

3A0 Case 3 History
Case 3 History (AANP Diagnostic Slide session 1975, Case #6) This 48 year old woman had been on stilbesterol medication. She was admitted to the hospital because of headache, delusions and visual hallucinations. Physical examination revealed sparse pubic hair and atrophic dermatitis. The pupils and eye grounds were normal. The sensations of touch, pain, vibration and position were intact. The clinical impression at that time was paranoid schizophrenia. Extensive hormonal assays of blood or urine were not done, although a T-3 test was borderline normal. The patient began having seizures, became febrile and stuporous and was placed on chlorpromazine. She expired shortly after a seizure. General pathologic findings included adrenal atrophy (each weighed 2.5 gm). The thyroid weighed 23 gm. and showed no abnormalities. The pituitary was firm, gray and enlarged, weighing 1.5 gm.

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