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Washington University Experience | MISCELLANEOUS | Idiopathic Hypertrophic Pachymeningitis (IgG4 Disease) | 3F1 IgG4-related pachymeningitis (Case 3) IgG4 1

3F1 IgG4-related pachymeningitis (Case 3) IgG4 1
3F1-5 IgG4 cells were also patchy in number and density. Quantitative comparison of the IgG4+ and IgG immunostains in selected regions show an IgG4/IgG ratio of 67%. The absolute number of IgG4+ cells/HPF were 41 in the most severely involved area. In addition, Gram stain, GMS fungal and AFB stains and T. pallidum immunohistochemistry were negative for identifiable organisms.

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