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Washington University Experience | MYELIN (NON-IMMUNE MEDIATED) | Krabbe Dz | 2A0 Case 2 History
Case 2 History (AANP Diagnostic Slide Session 1959, Case 4) ---- The patient was an 11 month old boy with normal family and birth history. He developed normally to age 4 months when his mother first noted constant flexion of the arms at the elbows. Within a couple of months retarded growth was noted compared to his sibling. He was irritable, cried constantly and at 7 months was described as stiff all over. The rigidity progressed with periods of opisthotonus. Aside from the rigidity no other neurological abnormalities were mentioned. He died 2 days after a normal pneumogram. The brain weighed 1000 grams and was described as unusually firm in the unfixed state.