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Washington University Experience | MYELIN (NON-IMMUNE MEDIATED) | Neuroaxonal Leukodystrophy | 4A0 Case 4 History

4A0 Case 4 History
Case 4 History ---- This 85-year-old man was enrolled at the Washington University Memory and Aging Project. He noted a memory problem for the past 2 years and several episodes of getting lost while driving. His son stated that his judgement and problem solving skills were poor. He died at age 90 at a nursing home of complications of an upper airway infection. His course of dementia was described as slow and gradual. Nursing home diagnoses include dementia with delusions, depression, history of myocardial infarction, and peripheral vascular disease. He was ambulatory until the last 2 weeks of his life. His gait was described by the nursing home staff as shuffling and unsteady. His behavior was aggressive and violent at times.

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