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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASM (SELLAR) | Pituitary Adenoma - Pituitary Neuroendocrine Neoplasm | Corticotroph | 7A1 PA CR (Case 7) H&E 20X

7A1 PA CR (Case 7) H&E 20X
Case 7 History ---- [11yo male with Cushing’s disease. MRI 20 mm pituitary enhancing mass with suprasellar extension.] ---- 7A1,2 This neoplasm consisting of round tumor cells arranged in nests and lobules, as well as largely discohesive areas. The tumor cells have plump nuclei with prominent nucleoli, and abundant, eosinophilic and granular cytoplasm, with no appreciable mitotic activity. A majority of tumor cells also show evidence of Crooke’s hyaline change, consistent with Crooke cell adenoma.

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