Table of Contents
Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (EMBRYONAL) | Medulloblastoma, Histologically Defined | Extensive Nodularity (MBEN) | 8A1 Medulloblastoma, desmoplastic (Case 8) CT 1 - Copy
Case 8 History ---- [8yo male with a past medical history of possible Gorlin syndrome (noted macrocephaly and developmental delay since birth). He recently has had two months of gait instability and falls, two weeks of occipital headaches, and two days of nausea and vomiting. A head CT showed acute obstructive hydrocephalus and a large posterior fossa tumor. MRI showed a large right cerebellar interaxial cystic and solid mass that invaded into and obstructed the fourth ventricle. Operative procedure: Craniotomy for excision of posterior fossa brain tumor.] ---- 8A1 A CT scan of this patient’s tumor shows a solid and multicystic lesion.