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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (GLIAL) | Astroblastoma | 6A1 Astroblastoma, malig (Case 6) H&E WM

6A1 Astroblastoma, malig (Case 6) H&E WM
Case 6 History (Thanks to Dr Serguei Bannykh for permission to use this (case is also published PMID: 17332948) ---- A 33-year-old man who complained of headache for about 2 months developed right-sided weakness and blurred vision. MRI revealed a 50 mm right frontal mass, adjacent to leptomeninges of the superior orbital roof. The tumor was well circumscribed, surrounded by vasogenic edema and contained foci of hypointensity consistent with hemosiderin. Its central portion appeared necrotic and there was irregular contrast enhancement. Intra-operatively, the tumor was strawberry colored, fleshy and edematous. Gross total resection was achieved. ---- 6A1-7 Histologic sections disclosed a non-infiltrating epithelioid neoplasm featuring predominant perivascular and solid growth patterns. Tumor cells were described as having plump, brightly eosinophilic, ‘‘rhabdoid’’ cytoplasm, vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. There were frequent multinucleated cells, numerous mitoses and Ki-67 proliferative index to 15%. There was focal vascular hyalinization, but no Rosenthal fibers, eosinophilic granular bodies or calcifications. Perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates were conspicuous.

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