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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (GLIAL) | Astrocytoma, IDH-mutant, WHO Grade 4 | 4A1 IDHmut Astro Gr4 (Case 4) H&E 2
Case 4 History ---- The patient was a 24-year-old woman with a 3.6 cm left frontal lobe mass, T2 hyperintense, well circumscribed, with faint central and peripheral enhancement along the margins. Operative procedure: Left frontal craniotomy for tumor resection with IMRIS/stealth. ---- 4A1-6 This is an infiltrating glial neoplasm which has a "pilocytic” look, with small, bland nuclei and long, thin processes, focal microcystic change as well as delicate chicken-wire vasculature. Some tumor cells have a gemistocytic appearance. Occasional mitotic figures are present. Patchy endothelial proliferation is appreciated (arrows, 4A6). No necrosis is identified.