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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (GLIAL) | Astrocytoma, IDH-mutant, WHO Grade 4 | 7A1 IDHmut Astro Gr4 (Case 7) H&E 1 (end).jpg
Case 7 History ---- The patient was a 40 year old female with a remote history of right parietal anaplastic astrocytoma, status post gross total resection, adjuvant chemotherapy and Temodar at an outside hospital, completed in 2007. She developed a local recurrence and underwent re-resection in 2011. Subsequently, she received a course of fractionated gamma knife radiosurgery, completed in March of 2012. ---- 2006 specimen ---- 7A1,2 H&E sections show a diffuse glioma with hypercellularity and frequent mitoses. At low magnification, the tumor shows a uniform, sheeted architecture with thin, delicate blood vessels. At high magnification, tumor cells show frequent mitoses, irregular nuclear contours and hyperchromasia. A subset of the tumor cells shows perinuclear halos. No necrosis or endothelial hyperplasia are identified in this specimen. The findings are consistent with anaplastic astrocytoma, WHO grade III.