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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (GLIAL) | Glioblastoma, adenoid pattern | 6A1 GBM, Adenoid Features (Case 6) H&E 4

6A1 GBM, Adenoid Features (Case 6) H&E 4
Case 6 History ---- The patient was a 75 year old man with a right frontal mass. Operative procedure: Resection. ---- 6A1-4 This high grade glial neoplasm is composed of fibrillary and gemistocytic astrocytic cells with ovoid to irregular hyperchromatic nuclei. Numerous bizarre and monstrous forms are noted. The tumor has both adenoid and spindled (sarcomatoid) differentiation. Moderate to marked pleomorphism, frequent mitoses including atypical forms, prominent endothelial cell hyperplasia, large areas of tumor necrosis including several foci of pseudopalisading necrosis were present. There is marked infiltration of the adjacent cerebral cortex including marked satellitosis and extensive subpial spread.

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