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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (GLIAL) | Glioblastoma, giant cell | 9A1 Giant Cell GBM (NP18-609) H&E 20X

9A1 Giant Cell GBM (NP18-609) H&E 20X
Case 9 History ---- This is a 55-year-old woman with a history of breast cancer who presented with intermittent headache, nausea and vomiting. Brain imaging studies demonstrated a large right frontal mass. Operative procedure: Right frontal craniotomy for tumor. ---- 9A1-3 Routine H&E stain shows a diffuse glioma with abundant large, pleomorphic, giant cells with bizarre nuclei. Mitotic activity is brisk. Palisading necrosis, microvascular proliferation, and thrombosed vessels are seen.

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