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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (GLIAL) | Glioblastoma, small cell type | 20A1 GBM, small cell type (Case 20) H&E 2

20A1 GBM, small cell type (Case 20) H&E 2
Case 20 History ---- The patient was a 58-year-old man with recurrent glioblastoma status post craniotomy in June 2008. Operative procedure: Excision. ---- 20A1-3 Sections consist of a high grade diffusely infiltrative glioma composed of gemistocytic and fibrillary astrocytes. Numerous bipolar cells, frequent mitoses and prominent areas of pseudopalisading necrosis are noted. A small cell subset of tumor cells appear to have crisper nuclear membranes and perinuclear halo.

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