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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (GLIAL) | Oligodendroglioma - IDH1 mutant, del 1p19q - Grade 3 | 23A1 Oligodendroglioma Grade 3 (Case 23) H&E 40X 3
Case 23 History ---- The patient is an 80-year-old man with history of right frontal lobe glioma who presents with positional vertigo with imaging showing interval increase in size, enhancement, and FLAIR hyperintensity suggestive of transformation into high-grade glioma. Operative procedure: Craniotomy excision tumor of right frontal lobe. ---- 23A1-4 H&E stained sections show an infiltrating oligodendroglioma, minimal microvascular proliferation, no necrosis, areas of dense cellularity, including around vessels and in the subpial region. There is brisk mitotic activity focally (~14/10 HPF). Scattered calcifications and microcystic change are present. There is no evidence of microvascular proliferation or necrosis.