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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (NEURONAL) | Central Neurocytoma | 11A1 Central Neurocytoma (Case 11) 20X

11A1 Central Neurocytoma (Case 11) 20X
Case 11 History ---- The patient is a 47 year old man with a history of trauma and an incidental finding of a large, cystic, intraventricular mass with calcification. Operative procedure: Right frontal craniotomy and tumor resection. ---- Sections of the brain mass show a hypercellular neoplasm consisting of cells with uniform, round nuclei, and scant to moderate amount of clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm arranged in sheets with a lobulated pattern. There are focal neurocytic rosettes with the cells arranged around central fibrillary neuropils and areas with perivascular pseudo-rosettes.

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