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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (NEURONAL) | Central Neurocytoma | 5A1 Central neurocytoma, atypical (Case 5) H&E 20X 1

5A1 Central neurocytoma, atypical (Case 5) H&E 20X 1
Case 5 History ---- The patient was a 27 year old woman with a left lateral ventricular mass. Resection was performed at an OSH and slides were provided. ---- 5A1-3 The tumor consists of a monomorphous population of tumor cells with round regular nuclei, stippled chromatin, micronucleoli and scant cytoplasm. A few areas show increased mitotic activity (3/10HPF). No atypia is appreciated. Necrosis and microvascular proliferation are not seen.

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