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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (NEURONAL) | Central Neurocytoma | 8A1 Neurocytoma, central (Case 8) H&E 20X

8A1 Neurocytoma, central (Case 8) H&E 20X
Case 8 History ---- The patient was a 36 year old woman that fell in the bathtub five months previously and had a subsequent MRI which showed an incidental brain mass. The patient also had headaches that were not relieved by Tylenol. Clinical diagnosis: Brain tumor. Operative procedure: Stereotactic brain biopsy. ---- 8A1,2 Sections of the brain tumor show a central neurocytoma. The tumor consists of a very cellular proliferation of uniform round cells with scant cytoplasm and an evenly dispersed chromatin pattern. Some of the cells have perinuclear halos. Mitotic figures are rare and there is no evidence of vascular proliferation. In some fragments it can be seen that the tumor is sharply demarcated from uninvolved adjacent brain parenchyma.

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