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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (NEURONAL) | DNET | 21B2 DNET (Case 21) 40X
In one area, a tumor nodule hints at pilocytic astrocytoma with thin hair-like cells, hyalinized blood vessels, rare eosinophilic granular bodies, and Rosenthal fibers. ---- Comment: The morphologic features are consistent with the diagnosis of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor, WHO grade I. The presence of a questionable pilocytic astrocytoma-like component further suggests this tumor may represent a "complex" variant. ---- Given the differential diagnosis with a diffuse oligodendroglial neoplasm however, genetic studies were pursued. FISH showed normal dosages (2 copies) of both chromosomes 1 and 19. No deletions nor fusions were found. Although not entirely specific, the lack of deletions further supports the diagnostic impression of DNT.