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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (NEURONAL) | Ganglioglioma | 22A1 Ganglioglioma (Case 22) H&E 20X
Case 22 History ---- The patient is a 36 year old man with medically intractable seizures. Operative procedure: Right amygdalohippocampectomy. ---- 22A1-4 Sections of the material from the right mesial temporal lobe and hippocampus show a small somewhat nodular, glioneuronal neoplasm is present in the parahippocampal gyrus. It is composed of small, cytologically bland, neoplastic astrocytes and dysmorphic ganglion cells, some of which are binucleated. Abundant axonal spheroids and calcifications are evident. No significant cytological atypia is evident and no endothelial hyperplasia or necrosis is present. Mitoses are hard to find.