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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (NEURONAL) | Ganglioglioma | 23B1 Ganglioglioma (Case 23) B2 H&E 20X 2

23B1 Ganglioglioma (Case 23) B2 H&E 20X 2
23B1-3 H&E stained sections show a biphasic, low-grade neoplasm with glial and neuronal elements. The glial component is composed of minimally pleomorphic ovoid cells with indistinct borders and a small amount of lightly eosinophilic cytoplasm. These cells do not show appreciable macronucleoli and have fine chromatin. The neuronal component consists of ganglion-like cells, including bizarre and multinucleated forms, with moderate pleomorphism and distinct cell borders. These cells have scant cytoplasm and many show appreciable nucleoli. Mitoses are rare throughout the glial and neuronal components of the tumor, and microvascular proliferation and necrosis are not seen. (H&E)

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