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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (NON-GLIAL NON-NEURONAL) | Germ Cell Neoplasm - Germinoma | 7A1 Germinoma, suprasellar & pineal (Case 7) T1 W 1 - Copy

7A1 Germinoma, suprasellar & pineal (Case 7) T1  W 1 - Copy
Case 7 History ---- The patient was a 15 year old boy with history of recent endocrine deficits, headaches and vomiting. MRI showed lobulated enhancing lesions in the sellar/suprasellar region, pineal region, and bilateral basal ganglia. The pineal lesion caused mass effect on the cerebral aqueduct, resulting in obstructive ventriculomegaly of the third and lateral ventricles. Operative procedure: Endoscopic biopsy of the suprasellar mass and third ventriculostomy. ---- 7A1-4 MRI examination showed a pineal hyperintense mass in T1-weighted contrast applied axial (7A1) and coronal (7A2) scans.

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