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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (PINEAL) | PPTID (Pineal Parenchymal Tumor Intermediate Differentiation) | 5A1 PPTID WHO III (Case 5) H&E 18.jpg
Case 5 History The patient was a 14 year old girl who presented with a two year history of headaches and photophobia. Imaging studies revealed a pineal mass. ---- 5A1-3 Sections reveal a highly cellular, but relatively solid appearing neoplasm composed of sheets of moderately sized cells with mild nuclear pleomorphism. The majority of tumor cells contain round regular nuclei with variably sized nucleoli and moderate quantities of clear to basophilic cytoplasm. In many areas, the mitotic index is increased, focally reaching up to 6 mitoses/10HPF. There is also endothelial prominence focally, but no evidence of tumor necrosis.