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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (PINEAL) | PPTID (Pineal Parenchymal Tumor Intermediate Differentiation) | 6A1 PPTID (Case 6) H&E 2.jpg
Case 6 History ---- The patient is a 74 year old woman with a pineal mass. ---- 6A1-4 The neoplasm is composed of nests and cords of cells with oval to angulated nuclei with moderately granular chromatin and one to several small nucleoli. The cells are associated with a variable amount of granular to fibrillar eosinophilic cytoplasm. Occasional larger pleomorphic nuclei are identified. Scattered apoptotic cells are seen, however, they are not frequent. Mitotic figures are difficult to find, however a MIB-1 proliferative marker shows slightly more cells with nuclear staining, indicating a slightly higher proliferative index than are appreciated by mitotic count; however, it is still fairly low.