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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASM (SELLAR) | Pituitary Adenoma - Pituitary Neuroendocrine Neoplasm | Corticotroph | 5A1 PA, ACTH, CR (Case 5) H&E 7.jpg
Case 5 History ---- [The patient is a 48yo female with a pituitary lesion.] ---- 5A1-3 The H&E stained specimen shows a pituitary adenoma arranged in sheets and lobules separated by modest fibrovascular septa. Tumor cells are epithelioid and small to moderate in size, with round nuclei, stippled chromatin, small nucleoli, and basophilic granular cytoplasm. Significant numbers of mitotic figures are not identified. Crooke's hyaline change is seen in a minority of tumor cells and in non-neoplastic gland. (H&E)