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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASM (SELLAR) | Pituitary Adenoma - Pituitary Neuroendocrine Neoplasm | Plurihormonal | 11A1 PA, Pluri (Case 11) H&E 4X
Case 11 History ---- [48yo female with a one year history of increased sweating, hair loss, fatigue, severe intermittent headaches, longstanding menstrual irregularity, gradual decline in vision, increased finger and foot size, polyuria, weight gain, elevated IGF-1, and an abnormal glucose suppression test result. The findings were thought consistent with acromegaly. MRI showed a 0.7 cm lesion that is T1 hypointense/T2 hyperintense suggestive of cystic pituitary microadenoma.] ---- 11A1,2 H&E stained sections show multiple fragments of neoplastic tissue. Individual tumor cells appear polygonal or oval and have variable subtle features. Most of the tumor cells have moderately atypical ovoid nuclei with mild variability in size, speckled chromatin, prominent nucleoli, and moderate amounts of intensely eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. Others appear relatively chromophobic. ----