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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASM (SELLAR) | Pituitary Adenoma - Pituitary Neuroendocrine Neoplasm | Somatotroph | 3A1 Pituitary adenoma, GH (Case 3) H&E 3.jpg

3A1 Pituitary adenoma, GH (Case 3) H&E 3.jpg
3A1-3 Tumor cells have significant amounts of eosinophilic cytoplasm, and round, regular, minimally atypical nuclei arranged in sheet-like architecture invested by a rich vasculature. Scattered islands and individual examples of cells with a bright, granular eosinophilic cytoplasm and micronuclei are identified. Mitotic activity is not seen. High power examination of the routine H&E stained sectioned demonstrates pale, eosinophilic spherical inclusions located in a perinuclear location in many of the tumor cells.

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