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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS - CRANIAL AND PARASPINAL NERVEs | Neurofibroma | 17A1 Neurofibroma, NF1 (Case 17) H&E whole mount

17A1 Neurofibroma, NF1 (Case 17) H&E whole mount
Case 17 History ---- The patient is a 47-year-old woman with neurofibromatosis type 1. Operative procedure: Posterior cervical decompression, excisional biopsy intradural/extramedullary tumor. ---- 17A1,2 Sections show irregularly expanded nerve bundles with a slightly multinodular appearance and moderate cellularity with cells demonstrating wavy nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm with interspersed delicate collagen fibers. The neoplastic cells involve multiple fascicles (plexiform growth) and have overrun a population of dorsal root ganglion neurons which have prominent and normal non-neoplastic appearing satellite cells.

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