Table of Contents
Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (HEMATOLYMPHOID) | Lymphoma, immune-compromised | 1A1 Lymphoma, large B cell (Case 1) TIRM - Copy - Copy
Case 1 History ---- The patient is a 33 year old man presenting with word finding difficulties and increased sleepiness for three weeks. MRI on 12/19 showed multiple post-contrast enhancing cortical and leptomeningeal 'nodules' in the left frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes, along with the corpus callosum and septum pellucidum. Operative procedure: Biopsy. ---- MRI Studies : 1A1-4 Multiple lesions in this case are well illustrated with TIRM (1A1), T1-weighted scans without (1A2) and with contrast (1A3) and in T2-weighted contrast administered scans. ---- 1A1 Multiple cortical and septum pellucidum hyperintense lesions are shown which have induced an edematous reaction.