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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (HEMATOLYMPHOID) | Lymphoma, immune-compromised | 7A0 Case 7 History
Case 7 History ---- The patient was a 48 year old man with advanced HIV who expired in March 1994 after being found pulseless and apneic. His HIV illness had been complicated by CMV retinitis, Kaposi sarcoma, HIV-associated ITP, pneumocystis pneumonia, Candida esophagitis, and Microsporidium diarrhea. He was admitted in February 1994 with dehydration and lethargy. Neurologic examination revealed an alert, fully oriented cachectic man with a flat affect. Head MRI revealed a large left basal ganglia lesion and a small left parietal lesion which were both ring-enhancing. He was begun on empiric toxoplasmosis therapy on 2/5 but expired in March 1994. Serum Toxoplasma and Cryptococcus titers were negative. ---- At autopsy the unfixed brain weighed 1350 grams.