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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (HEMATOLYMPHOID) | Rosai-Dorfman Disease | 11A0 Case 11 History

11A0 Case 11 History
Case 11 History (AANP DSS 2002 Case 9) ---- This 17-year-old young man who just arrived from Trinidad presented with a recent onset seizure and ataxia. The patient had headache for more than seven years, progressive difficulty hearing for months/years and double vision for 3 months. Ataxia was a recent event. Neurological examination revealed complete deafness in the left ear and left sixth cranial nerve paresis, with bilateral dysmetria but normal motor strength. His gait was ataxic. There were bilateral 1+ ankle clonus and Babinski signs. Laboratory findings were unremarkable except for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), which was 50 mm/hour. Imaging studies showed a large, homogeneously enhancing, dumbbell shaped mass at the left CP angle extending into the supratentorial compartment. There was no evidence of disease at any other site. At operation, a firm mass was attached to the cranial nerves.

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