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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (MENINGIOMA) | Anaplastic | 15B1 Meningioma, anaplastic (Case 15) H&E 3.jpg

15B1 Meningioma, anaplastic (Case 15) H&E 3.jpg
15B1-3 The tumor is composed of a high-grade spindled cell neoplasm with a predominantly sheet-like growth architecture. There are scattered calcifications. The tumor shows areas of hypercellularity and patchy areas of 'small cell' change. There are multifocal areas of necrosis. In general, the tumor cells are syncytial without distinct cell borders, have eosinophilic cytoplasm, intranuclear pseudoinclusions, and occasional prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures were 23-24 mitoses/10HPF in several sampled regions. There is invasion of the tumor into the overlying bone.

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