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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (MENINGIOMA) | Anaplastic | 18B3 Meningioma, anaplastic (Case 18) poly 9 (C9-p16) - Copy

18B3 Meningioma, anaplastic (Case 18) poly 9 (C9-p16) - Copy
There was evidence of polysomy 9 (chromosomal gains), but no evidence of p16 deletions. ---- Comment: The morphologic, immunohistochemical, and genetic features are consistent with a higher grade meningioma, with the malignant designation mainly based on the sarcoma-like or chondrosarcoma-like foci. Additionally, there are multiple areas resembling the clear cell variant of meningioma (WHO grade II), although the overall grading is based on the worst areas, which qualify as anaplastic meningioma, WHO grade III. Lastly, the lack of p16 deletion in this case suggests a better prognosis subset of anaplastic meningioma.

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