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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (MENINGIOMA) | Lymphoplasmacyte-rich | 2B1 Meningioma, Lymphoplasmacyte-rich (Case 2) H&E 10X 2
2B1,2 H&E stained sections show a meningothelial neoplasm with whorled architecture and prominent lymphocytic aggregates. The tumor cells have eosinophilic syncytial cytoplasm and small oval nuclei. There are aggregates of perivascular lymphocytes as well as lymphocytes percolating through the parenchyma. Mitoses are rare, up to 1/10HPF. No atypical histologic features including small cell change, spontaneous necrosis, hypercellularity, macronucleoli, or sheeting are identified. (H&E)