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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (MENINGIOMA) | Papillary | 8A1 Meningioma, with papillary features, WHO II (Case 8) Flair 1 - Copy

8A1 Meningioma, with papillary features, WHO II (Case 8) Flair 1 - Copy
Case 8 History The patient was a 67-year-old woman who developed progressive memory issues, later accompanied by word choice difficulty and weight loss. MRI in 05/2016 showed a 5.4 x 6.5 x 5.8 cm T1 isointense and slightly T2 hyperintense, homogeneously-enhancing, lobulated, extra-axial mass in the left skull base, with mild diffusion restriction and markedly increased relative cerebral blood volume. Operative procedure: Left frontal temporal craniotomy for tumor resection. ---- 8A1-5 MRI studies: 8A1 This FLAIR scan shows a hyperintense tumor mass with prominent surrounding edema.

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