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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (MENINGIOMA) | Psammomatous | 6B1 Meningioma, unusual psammoma bodies (Case 6) H&E 4.jpg

6B1 Meningioma, unusual psammoma bodies (Case 6) H&E 4.jpg
6B1-4 Multiple fragments of a highly calcified meningothelial neoplasm. There are abundant collagenous bundles with calcified cores along with some more traditional round psammomatous calcifications. The tumor cells intervene between these psammomatous calcifications and in general have a solid growth pattern with some lobular appearance. The tumor cells are syncytial with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. The tumor nuclei are slightly pleomorphic, round to elongated, have finely stippled chromatin, and occasionally have clearing or pseudoinclusions. Mitotic figures are not readily identifiable. Atypical features are not present.

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