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Washington University Experience | NEOPLASMS (MENINGIOMA) | Rhabdoid | 20A1 Rhabdoid meningioma (Case 20) H&E 20X 1
Case 20 History ---- The patient was a ten year old boy with a large left temporal lesion, contrast enhancing, felt to be extra-axial. ---- 20A1,2 The predominant pattern is meningioma composed of cells with oval to slightly elongated nuclei with a moderate amount of cytoplasm and inconspicuous cell borders. Although in most areas, the cells are arranged in fascicles or whorled formations, in many areas the lesion takes on a sheeting architecture, and there are scattered areas of hypercellularity. Additionally, there are multiple foci of small cell change, as well as scattered individual cells with prominent nucleoli. A small focus of cells with eccentrically-situated nuclei and a cytoplasmic filamentous whorl consistent with a rhabdoid morphology are also seen, and there is additional evidence of brain invasion. Occasional psammoma bodies are present.