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Washington University Experience | NEURODEGENERATION | Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD) | 7A0 Case 7 History

7A0 Case 7 History
Case 7 History ---- In summary, this lady developed head tremor and difficulty using her left arm in about 2010, at age 63. By age 65, she had developed visuospatial deficits and had posterior cortical dysfunction with Gerstmann’s syndrome and LUE apraxia. She had mild speech difficulty. Her motor and posterior cortical symptoms progressed first, with memory retained until late in the course of disease. On neuropsychological testing, she had difficulty with naming, verbal fluency and spelling and profound impairment in visuospatial abilities, visual constructive memory and construction, but only mild impairment in verbal memory. She progressed over 6 years and, ultimately, had bilateral apraxia, greatly impaired gait, speech and swallowing. Her memory and orientation were difficult to assess at time of expiration, given her impaired language function, and are consistent with a terminal CDR3. The clinical syndrome is that of a posterior cortical atrophy with focal apraxia, meeting criteria for corticobasal degeneration. She expired at home in March at age 69 from inanition

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