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Washington University Experience | NEURODEGENERATION | Huntington Disease | 7B2 Huntington's Dz (Case 7) 20X

7B2 Huntington's Dz (Case 7) 20X
The basal ganglia were sampled at several levels. The caudate nucleus showed marked neuronal depopulation with evidence of relative preservation of large neurons. Fibrillary astrocytes in large numbers were scattered throughout the caudate nucleus. The putamen was also extensively involved, particularly the superior portions of the anterior putamen (level of the anterior commissure) with evidence of relative neuronal preservation involving the inferior and posterior portions of the nucleus. The globus pallidus, although grossly appearing somewhat shrunken, demonstrated little evidence of neuron loss or astrocytosis. ---- Not shown: Multiple sections of frontal cortex demonstrate only a slight degree of neuron loss with minimal astrocytic proliferation, chiefly manifested as increased numbers of mirror image astrocytes. Special silver stains do not show neurofibrillary tangles, senile plaques, or Pick bodies.

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