Table of Contents
Washington University Experience | NEURODEGENERATION | Lewy Body Disease (LBD) | 2 LBD - Gross Pathology - Cerebrum LBD -Dementia | 6A3 DLBD (Case 6)_4
Coronal slicing revealed very mildly dilated lateral ventricles. The electrode tract was not available for macroscopic study. The posterior hippocampus was of normal size. ---- Final Neuropathologic Diagnoses: Idiopathic PD & DLBD (Parkinson's disease with dementia (brainstem, limbic > neocortex); Alzheimer's disease-type changes ---- Neocortical areas showed few to foci of frequent beta-amyloid plaques, no neuritic plaques, and only few neurofibrillary tangles, confined to the medial temporal lobe. This case fulfills Khachaturian but not CERAD or NIA-Reagan criteria for AD. The density and distribution of these lesions is also sufficient to meet the criteria for dementia with Lewy bodies, and in the revised criteria, which takes account of coexisting Alzheimer's disease-type changes, there is a ‘high probability’ that the dementia is caused by Lewy body disease (McKeith et al, PMID: 16237129)