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Washington University Experience | NEURODEGENERATION | Multiple Systems Atrophy (MSA) | 14G MSA (SND, Case 14) pons pSYN.jpg
In this case most of the immunoreactive pontine inclusions are in oligodendroglia of the white matter but there are scattered neuronal cytoplasmic (NCIs), neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NIIs), and neuropil threads or neurites. (pSYN IHC) ---- Not shown: In the spinal cord there is no significant neuronal loss. pSYN-immunoreactive GCIs are present in relatively modest numbers in the central gray and white matter tracts. ---- Neuro Final Diagnosis: Multiple system atrophy (Gilman et al. PMID: 10223419, MSA, striatonigral degeneration-type); Alzheimer's disease (early changes; NIA-AA ADNC (A1, B2, C0)