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Washington University Experience | NEURODEGENERATION | Pick Disease | 3A0 Case 3 History
Case 3 History ---- The decedent was a 75-year-old female with a 10-year history of semantic & frontotemporal dementia. At the age of 65, she began to develop a slowly progressive difficulty with expressive language. MRI in August 2009 showed asymmetric moderate left frontal and temporal cerebral atrophy, as well as a left internal carotid artery with reduced caliber. By 3 years into the course, she could utter only single words, but could understand virtually everything stated to her; she also retained intact recent and long term memory as well as judgement and problem solving abilities. She was still able to drive and function in an administrative role until 4 years into the course. Subsequently, her language deteriorated even further to global aphasia by 5 years into the course. After that time, she was moved to an assisted care facility, where she remained for 2 years and experienced frequent falls and ER visits with only CT scalp lacerations and soft tissue swelling in the left parieto-occipital and left parietal regions, respectively. CT in February 2015 showed interval progression of left frontal and temporal atrophy, as well as new right temporal atrophy. No study showed evidence of fracture or any acute intracranial process. By 2016, she began to have difficulty recognizing people and in carrying out her personal care. She began home hospice in November 2017 and terminally she reportedly refused to eat or drink, her condition deteriorated, and she passed away in December 2017.