Table of Contents
Washington University Experience | NEURODEGENERATION | Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) | 14C5 PSP (Case 14) N11 Pontine basis Biels 100X
Tangles are numerous in the neurons comprising the basis pontis. (Bielschowsky) ---- Not shown: The neocortices show a well-maintained complement of neurons without concomitant astrocytic or microglial proliferation. Neither significant numbers of neuritic plaques nor neurofibrillary tangles are detected with Bielschowsky silver stain. ---- Neuro Final Diagnosis: Progressive supranuclear palsy ---- Neuro Diagnosis Comment: The finding of numerous globose tangles within many different sites of this patient's brain, particularly the deep grey nuclei, multiple several brainstem nuclei and the cerebellar dentate nucleus, taken together with this patient's clinical presentation, are diagnostic of progressive supranuclear palsy.