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Washington University Experience | PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY | 1 Normal PNS Anatomy (Sural) | 4 Electron Microscopy | 1A0 Normal Sural Nerve - Electron Microscopy

1A0 Normal Sural Nerve - Electron Microscopy
Normal Sural Nerve - Electron Microscopy ---- Ultrastructure provides a detailed look at the subcellular composition of individual axons and pathologic processes. Electron microscopy is useful in investigation of various diseases including those with aberrant myelin periodicity (POEMS & Anti-MAG neuropathy), diseases with macrophage mediated demyelination (Guillain-Barre, CIDP), various genetic neuropathies (Charcot-Marie-Tooth, hereditary neuropathies with increased sensitivity to pressure palsy [HNPP]), support for the diagnoses of amyloid, storage disorders and leukodystrophies. Unmyelinated axons are 3-4 fold more numerous than myelinated axons in the sural nerve and range in diameter from 0.2-2.0 microns. The examination of unmyelinated axons requires electron microscopy to appreciate their presence or absence and overall integrity of individual axons.

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