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Washington University Experience | VASCULAR | AVM | 22A1 Infarct, CHD, 1 yo epilepsy (Case 22) 1

22A1 Infarct, CHD, 1 yo epilepsy (Case 22) 1
Case 22 History AVM, (actually Pseudo-AVM) ---- This is a patient with congenital heart disease who experienced an cerebral infarct when she was less than one year of age resulting in chronic intractable epilepsy beginning in infancy and resulting in resection in childhood. ---- 22A1,2 The neurosurgical specimen shows a section of cerebral hemisphere with a central depression reflecting the initial infarct and the electrical focus of seizures. Notice that there are some very large dilated veins giving the superficial appearance of an AVM. The patient was monitored since birth for her CHD and the sequential development of the brain lesion monitored closely.

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