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Washington University Experience | VASCULAR | Aneurysm - Saccular | 16A0 Case 16 History
Case 16 History ---- Approximately 15 years ago, the patient noticed a gradual onset of difficulty typing, began dragging her right foot, her handwriting became smaller, and fine motor tasks performed with her right hand slowed. About 12 years ago, she noticed that her voice became softer and lost its normal intonation. All of these symptoms gradually progressed over the ensuing 12 to 13 years. She began to have left hand tremor. She was first treated with L-dopa 14 years ago and developed marked nausea and vomiting without benefit. In 1974, she began Sinemet which improved her walking. This patient was lost to followup for more than 10 years but apparently spent her last years in a care facility.